Daily Current Affairs_240919
Current affairs section is more important part for every competitive exams like all government exams includes upsc, ssc, spsc, banking sector, Railway exams.

Current affairs will help you to score more in exam point of view.Its necessary to touch with daily current affairs. so lets beging now todays current affairs :
- Delhi Transport Corporation Board approved Pink tickets for travelling free to women passengersin DTC and Cluster Busesunder Delhi Gobernment's Scheme.
- The bengaluru Based Software services Wipro company has tied up with Brazil based company Febraban a financial Service Industry, to develop online platform Noomis for the financial services industry in brazil.
- Bharati Airtel has tied up with Bharti Axa life insurance to offer prepaid paln for insurance protectionto customers.Recharge 599 with airtel offering 4lakh rs of life insurance cover from Bharti AXA life insurance.The recharge amount will be valid for 84 days.
- Paisalo digital has signed its co-organisation loan agreement with the Bank of Maharashtra.
- The managing director of Kotak Asset Management Company , Nilesh Shah has been appointed as new chairmen of the Association of Nutual Funds in India.
- India and The united states are set to hold their first tri-services exercise code named "Tiger Triumph" at vishakhapatnam and Kakinada, Andrapradesh in November of this year.
- Popular bollywood playback singer Sonu nigam has been honoured by Magnificent Performing Arts award at the annual 21st Century Icon Awards in London.
- Indian Shuttler Malvika Bansod has won Maldives International future series Awards by defeating Thet Htar Thuzar.
Hope this Current Affairs_240919 is beneficial for you. Watch http://www.chotanews.in/category/current-affairs for more current affairs.