Current affairs_180919

Daily curry affairs for all competitive exams like Upsc, Spsc :
- The 5th international Ramayan Festival organized by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in new Delhi and The union minister for home affairs, Amit Shah as chief guest.17 countries have participated in Ramayan Festival function.
- Karnataka chief minister B S Yadiyurappa announced that Hyderabad-Karnataka region has been renamed as Kalyana Karnataka.
- Arunachal Pradesh chief minister Prema khandu dedicated 24 Mega watt Hydroelectric Project in Dikshi Village in West Kameg District.
- Kerala government and Regional Cancer Center have signed Mou with Maldives for cancer care.
- The Indian space Research Organisation has signed Mou with defence research and development organisation (DRDO) for the development of Human Space mission.
- Indian Air Force has successfully flight tested air-to-air missile Astra from Sukhoi Su-30 MKI Combat aircraft from odisha.
- Documentary film Moti Bagh, based on struggle of am farmer in Uttarakhand Village has been nominated for the osacars.
- Wing commander Anjali Singh has joined Indian Embassy in Russia as India's first female milii diplomat in abroad.
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