JatPath Menthi(fenugreek) Puri:

Fenugreek is rich in Fibre, Sodium, Carbohydrates, potassium.So it will be usefull to have in every day meals.lets see how can we prepare methi puri at home.
Menthi(fenugreek) Puri:
Ingredienets :
- 1 cup Wheet Atta
- 1/2 cup chopped Methi leaves
- 1 tsp ajvan
- 1/2 cup chilli powder
- salt to taste
How to prepare Menthi Puri:
- Mix all ingredients by puting water in to a bowl.
- Make small ball to make puri.
- Now fry deeply into oil.
- Methi puri is ready to serve and eat now.
I hope this How to make Methi Puri is beneficial to you. for more food receipe check here http://www.chotanews.in/category/recipe