1000 ncert polity one liner_part-2

As you all know how much polity plays important in any competitive exams.So I am putting more then 1000 one liners on polity from ncert to high-level so let's start now:
- A federal Structure for India was first put forward by the Act of 1939.
- Our National Anthem First sung in Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress on December 27, 1911.
- India adopted Constitiution By constitution assembly on 26th November 1949.
- The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January, 1950.
- The term Caste was derived from Spanish.
- Parlimentary and Presidential are two forms of democracy.
- The Constitution of India contains 395 articles.
- Dr.B.R.Ambedkar called fundamental right to constitutional remedies as the heart and soul of the indian constitution.
- The Drafting of the constitution was completed on 26th November , 1949.
- The method of Impeachement of President of India was adopted from USA.
- Part 1 of the constitution of India describes the nation that is Bharat, is Union states.
- The Concept of Constitution first originated in Britain.
- The principal of Constitutional Government is 'Person may change but rules should not change'.
I hope this 1000 one liners on polity from ncert to high-level is helpful to you. Keep watching http://www.chotanews.in for more Gk.