Idioms and Phrases for all type of competitive exams_Part1

As english plays very important role in all type of competitive exams. Idioms and Phrases are very important topic for all type of exams so i will be sharing you very important Idioms and Phrases on exam point of view.Lets begin
Idioms and Phrases_Part1:
- Flogging a dead horse now: Wasting your effort by trying to do something that is no longer possible.
- look down upon : you think better then somebody/something.
- Face the music : To accept or deal with criticism or punishment for something you have done.
- Fell foul of: To get in to trouble with a person or orgnization because of doing something wrong.
- By fits and starts : Irregularly works or impulsively.
- Enough rope : Allow freedom to one whatever wants to do.
- All at sea : Very confused state and not knowing what to do.
- The Sweeping Statement : Too general or failing to think about.
- In a tight corner : In very difficult situation.
hope this idoms and Phrases are helpfull to you. keep watching for more idioms and phrases.